
6th Regiment Infantry
113th Regiment, Colored Infantry

June 25, 1864: Organized from 6th Arkansas Colored Infantry.
January, 1865: Attached to 1st Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas.
April, 1865: Colored Brigade, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps. 


6th Regiment Infantry
113th Regiment, Colored Infantry OLD

Post and garrison duty at Little Rock, Ark., entire term.
April 1, 1865: Consolidated with 11th United States Colored Troops (Old) and 112th United States Colored Troops to form 113th United States Colored Troops (New).


6th Regiment Infantry
113th Regiment, Colored Infantry NEW

April 1, 1864: Organized by consolidation of 11th United States Colored Troops (Old),
112th United States Colored Troops and 113th United States Colored Troops (Old).
August, 1865: Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas.
April, 1866: Dept. of Arkansas, duty in Dept. of Arkansas.
April 9, 1866: Mustered out.

Citation: 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (old & new)