

Connecticut provided 53,721 men to the Union army, organized into 1 regiment of cavalry, 2 regiments of heavy artillery, 3 batteries of light artillery, and 30 regiments of infantry.  This number does not include the men from Connecticut who served in the regiments of other States. The United States War Department credited Connecticut with supplying 51,937 white men and 1,764 men of color in the Union Army plus 2,163 Union sailors and marines

1st Regiment Cavalry2nd Regiment Heavy Artillery3rd Battery Light Artillery4th Regiment Infantry5th Regiment Infantry
1st Regiment Infantry2nd Battery Light Artillery3rd Regiment Infantry6th Regiment Infantry7th Regiment Infantry
1st Battery Light Artillery2nd Regiment Infantry8th Regiment Infantry9th Regiment Infantry
1st Regiment Heavy Artillery10th Regiment Infantry11th Regiment Infantry
1st Regiment Infantry12th Regiment Infantry13th Regiment Infantry

14th Regiment Infantry15th Regiment Infantry16th Regiment Infantry17th Regiment Infantry18th Regiment Infantry
19th Regiment Infantry20th Regiment Infantry21st Regiment Infantry22nd Regiment Infantry23rd Regiment Infantry
24th Regiment Infantry25th Regiment Infantry26th Regiment Infantry27th Regiment Infantry28th Regiment Infantry
29th Regiment Infantry30th Regiment Infantry