Letter from SC Commissioners to President Buchanan Asking Him to Withdraw Federal Troops from Charleston Harbor, 28 December 1860

[Letter of the commissioners to the President] Washington, 28th December, 1860. Sir: We have the honor to transmit to you a copy of the full powers from the Convention of the People of the South Carolina, under which we are “authorized and empowered to treat with the Government of the United States for the delivery…

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U.S Navy regarding the seizure of the C.S.S. Beauford by the U.S.S. Maumee

 U.S.S. Maumee Richmond, April 24, 1865 SIR: In regard to theletter of James C. Slaught, captain and assistant quartermaster, referred to you by Major-General ORd, I have respectfully to state that I took possession of the Confederate naval steamer Beaufort by the order of Rear-Admiral Porter, and under an order of Marjor General Weitzel, at that…

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